
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Change Your Life With These Inspiring Action Verbs

Action can be the best motivator for those who are finding it difficult to get where they want to be. There are five action verbs that you need to keep at the front of your mind that are going to help you to get yourself motivated physically and mentally.

1. Give - Give of yourself to those who are less fortunate than you. This giving can be of time, money or both. Give a card to a friend who is feeling down. Doing something for others is going to show you just how well off you are.

2. Learn - Learn one new thing a month. It can even be as small as a new word. All you need to do is broaden your mind with new information or activities.

3. Change - Break out of your everyday habits. Change the route you take to work or your personal appearance. Any kind of change can break a deep set lethargy.

4. Participate - Become active in events that inspire you. It can be as simple as taking a college course or joining the local softball team. Just get yourself out there.

5. Create - Do something creative in whatever interests you. The intrinsic rewards are going to do more to motivate you than anything thing else. This also gets the brain active and thinking.

These simple actions are going to go along way to getting you motivated and ready to take on the world. Any lethargy that you have been feeling is going to be wiped out and the brain is going to be retrained. Start with one action verb at a time until all five have been thoroughly ensconced in your brain.

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