
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scientific Proof Gratitude Works

How does the practice of intentional gratitude affect our physical well-being? Well, a study done by psychologist Glen Affleck indicates that heart patients “who feel appreciative of life” after a heart attack have a reduced risk for subsequent attacks. And a study conducted at the Duke University Medical Center found that patients with significant arterial blockage were substantially less likely to say they count their blessings, and were encouraged to include the practice as a coping strategy.

Studies show that even our life span is positively affected by the practice to gratitude, and negatively affected by negative emotions…particularly depression and pessimism. A 35 year longitudinal study of male Harvard students found significantly less disease at midlife in the optimists than from their pessimistic counterparts. And a study at the Mayo Clinic found that those who scored high on optimism had a 50% lower risk of premature death than those who scored as being more pessimistic.

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