
Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is a subject that is one of perception. Think if you will the last time you actually did not have any distractions from the radio or TV or the telephone and you just set still closed your eyes and let the world come to you. A great philosopher said “don’t do something, just sit and let the world come to you”. After all of these years I realize this person meant to let the world come to my inner self, or as Napoleon Hill puts it “your other self”. Your other self consist of those things and dreams that have been buried inside of you because of all the external input that we allow to come at us on a daily basis. The other self is the dreamer who has goals and a vivid imagination of how his or her future will be. The other self directs the subconscious by the words and physiology that we use to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. To know that the only limits we have are self imposed by us and our references. Be still and know that the inner voice will

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