
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mind Power - The Power of Thoughts

Visualize a perfect scene of whatever you want to accomplish.
Put a lot of detail, color, sound, scent and life into these mental scenes.
Repeat them often, with faith and attention, and the subconscious will accept them as real experiences. It does not differentiate between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts them both as real.

Actions, situations and objects that you visualize frequently eventually manifest on the material plane in a natural way. It is as if new software has been installed in the mind, and which affects the outer world. This manifestation does not happen overnight. It needs time, and depends on how ambitious and sincere you are, and how much time and attention you put into this action.

This process can be used for changing, improving or developing any kind of habit, ability or skill, and it is useful for gaining money, possessions and promotion, for building a business, improving health and relationships, changing circumstances and for practically almost everything.

Pay attention to the thoughts you think. Learn to let into your mind only the thoughts that bring good, happy and positive results.

- Remez Sasson

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