
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Keeping a Positive Outlook During the Economic Crisis

America is in an economic crisis, and people everywhere have begun to feel the changes. Financial struggles can be stressful, but they do not have to overpower our complete outlook on life. Keeping a positive attitude during the economic crisis will be key to overcoming it.

Many find it helpful to spend a few moments in an activity that offers some serenity. For many, this may include prayer or meditation. For others, sitting on the porch to breathe some fresh air, watch a sunset, or witness a sunrise may help one to feel calm yet refreshed. Physical exercise such as walking, jogging, or bicycling, even if only a short distance down the street, can help many people feel better able to tackle any problem.

We can also benefit by focusing on what we do have as opposed to focusing on what we do not. If we have family members or friends, love or friendship, health, some food on the table, a roof over our heads, or just a pretty day outside, we can spend our energy thinking of all of the blessings that we enjoy. Then, the consideration and time we must give to more difficult issues won't seem quite as overwhelming.


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